Wassef Boutros-Ghali: A Retrospective
Albertz Benda, New York
November 12 – December 19, 2020
Albertz Benda is thrilled to announce Wassef Boutros-Ghali: A Retrospective, the artist’s debut gallery exhibition, on view from November 12 to December 19, 2020. An accomplished painter and architect, Boutros-Ghali will present paintings and drawings from 1960’s through the present day with an emphasis on work of the past twenty years. Drawn from the artist’s personal collection, Retrospective marks the first time these pieces have been shown publicly.
Art in the New Normal: Moving Forward While Documenting the Moment
Clearly, 2020 has given us more time to ponder and question both art and ourselves as artists, and with this in mind, we think that there are a number of ways of understanding how the arts really affect us.
Mary Dinaburg and Andrew Nicolls discuss art in the new normal.
Chairman's Highlights | Masterpiece Online
With Philip Hewat-Jaboor, Chairman of the Fair and Mary Dinaburg, Founder of DinaburgArts LLC Masterpiece Online showcases our exhibitors’ knowledge and passion, conveying a sense of discovery that sparks new conversations. Designed to reflect the ethos of the fair and best support its galleries, Masterpiece Online encourages viewers not just to view and buy works of art, but to join the conversation by engaging with 138 exhibitors who are experts in the fields of art, design, furniture and jewellery, from antiquity to the present day.
Art With Me *GNP 2020
Live Stream The Artist Witihin
Heather Harmon, David Graziano, Mary Dinaburg, Andrew Nicolls discuss why Art matters more than ever in the new normal?
John Clymer, White Buffalo, 1972
The EDDIE BASHA Collection
We are pleased to announce that DinaburgArts has been hired by The Eddie Basha Collection to advise on identifying a core collection of works, create a traveling exhibition showcasing the work, satellite exhibitions targeting specific groups of work within the collection (New York 2019, possibly Chicago 2020) and starting off with a major single-owner sale through Bonhams, in November 2019. Bonhams is the top auction house for American Western Art and we are pleased to have coordinated this incredible sale.
DinaburgArts @ Perfect Provenance
Collecting 101 : Building a Lasting Art Collection
Wednesday June 20th | The Perfect Provenance, 47 Arch Street, Greenwich, CT
Knowing what to look for when purchasing a work of art can be confusing. It is easier when you have some helpful hints to understand the art market, it’s many aspects, and choices. What to look for, why a work is priced a certain way, the difference in mediums etc. are interesting to know and helpful.
A Three Person Exhibition will feature works by:
DinaburgArts @ 212 Fifth Avenue
In association with Sotheby's International Realty and Art Legacy Planning LLC
Spring 2018
A group pop-up exhibition overlooking Madison Square Park and the Flatiron Building featuring Artists: David CRAVEN, David HAYES, Adam HENRY, Russell MALTZ, Gustavo PRADO, Adam SIMON, Gary STEPHAN, Mia WESTERLUND ROOSEN, and Daniel WIENER
Curated By Mary Dinaburg and Saul Ostrow